Thursday, September 4, 2008

This Week in Review

Good things that happened this week:
1. Sonny got an interview for Morehouse (hopefully he gets a few more)
2. I quit my job
3. We got paid
4. Prayers were answered
5. I [finally] cleaned the house
6. Scuba is getting better
7. Juno stopped peeing in her kennel and is an intimidating guard dog now (she has a deep manly bark now)
8. We spent some time with Dan and Erin
9. Sonny started his last semester at BYU
10. I'm NOT pregnant (hee hee hee, not yet anyway--soon enough)

Bad things that happened this week:
1. I quit my job
2. The house is clean (so now I have to keep it that way...uh-oh...)
3. Juno got cut and keeps ripping off her bandage

So, all in all a pretty good week. I'm leaving for Georgia at the beginning of October with Sonny for his interview. The downside is that I am staying behind without him. However, this is a huge blessing for us because I will have a good paying job and be able to support our family. I finally am done with a job that was not good for us and so many doors have been opened that it could only be a blessing straight from God.


Jennifer said...

Yay!! you made another post! horray! Congrats on the interview, I'm sure more are to come! Congrats on quitting your job and not being pregnant! haha

Becki said...

Hi, my name is Becki Jones. I noticed you left a comment on my blog and asked about med school and how the family and everything works. All I can tell you is that everything works out, somehow, even when it looks like it is not going to. We had one child starting med school, I worked in my field as a Speech Pathologist part time which paid the bills for the first year and a half and I tried to work my schedule around my husbands school and made friends quickly when we moved to Milwaukee who helped me by babysitting. When baby number 2 came along I just felt like it was time to stay home. We actually found some government subsidized housing that is not real nice, but it's free for us and that makes it possible to for me to stay home. We have had to be very careful with spending, but we get enough loan money to take care of us and it all works out. I now teach some fitness classes, Pilates, Yoga and Zumba at the local YMCA and that is a perfect job for me because they have a kid care right in the facility that my kids enjoy so I get paid to work out and get free child care besides. We have about 7 more months left of school ( not that I'm counting :)) and we are very excited to get into a house around that time, but we made it work and it has been a wonderful experience, hard at times, but you can do it. It is well worth the sacrifice. Best of luck to you, you are welcome to email me if you have any other questions anytime.