Thursday, November 19, 2009


Wow, its been a long time since I've posted anything on this blog! We have been very busy lately. Here are a few updates:

*Sonny started medical school and is now four months in. He starts his anatomy module and cadaver dissection on Tuesday!!! He has a ton of studying to do before he cuts, so he is buckling down and getting prepared.
(Sharyl is a little queasy about it, but apparently Sonny is psyched!)

*Sharyl is still working in Marketing and Business Development, having completed a year at the Company in October!! Now, she has started a Real Estate course to get ready for the licensing exam.

*Sonny is doing his "OPEX" with an internal medicine physician who was very impressed about the extent of Sonny's knowledge on his first day (he was able to diagnose a few issues based on a cursory examination!). (An OPEX is like a type of clinical rotation where he goes once a week for a year).

*Juno is fatter than ever, and is now topping speeds of 60mph at the dog park. She likes to show off in front of the other dogs and spends most of her time running laps around them or chasing the incessant amount of tennis balls thrown by Sharyl or Sonny. She has this fun habit of flapping her ears early in the morning because she feels it is her responsibility to make sure we are out of bed on time. Also, she has been working diligently to keep the legions of squirrels in the front and back yard at bay--she believes they have secret plans for an all-out siege on the house. (I'll keep you posted as more developments from the front lines arise).

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